Okay, this game is very simple. But I know it can get tricky sometimes. The very fist thing you wanna do is talk with Zoe, Kaia and Walker about missions. You'll receive some of them. They will be available on your tablet, on the upper right corner of the screen. The second thing you must worry about is the upgrade ship mission. Just go mine asteroids, mainly on the EASY SPOT and gather the materials, I didn't make it too hard, it should be quick to do. After that speak with Kaia and she'll updgrade the ship. Now you can travel to planets and do dispatch missions. Just keep exploring and upgrading your skills. To unlock futa content, you must have 4 in pilloting and you have to mine the astroids field in the HARD SPOT. You'll recieve and item called weird goo. Just give the goo to anyone you want and they will turn on futa! If you have any doubts about doing something, just contact me on patreon, discord, f95, itch, whatever. If this game is too puzzling I'll make the next versions easier, or I'll do a very detailed walktrough. Ah yes, don't forget to upgrade the crew love/corruption/friendship. With that you'll see scenes and can do stuff. In future version their corruption will lead them to fuck each other and do some wild stuff when they are on missions. PS: some places as the whore house or the furrie bar, if you spend a lot of money there will be a special scene or special options with the owners of those business.